

How does Cleary make the audience sympathetic to the stutterer? Stutterer is a 2015 Oscar award-winning short film about a lonely typographer, who has a speech impediment and therefore finds it difficult to communicate. The opening shot is a close-up on the characters mouth whilst he is making a phone class to discuss a billing issue, however, due to his stutter he is cut off by the woman on the other end and is left with the dial tone ringing in his ear as he internally goes over what the conversation should have sounded like. Cleary uses the 4 areas of moving image analysis to make the viewer feel sympathy for Greenwood as he lives his life struggling to talk. Mise-en-scene Throughout the whole film, Cleary uses mise-en-scene to allow the viewer to understand a bit more about his life and the things he goes through on a daily basis. The first shot we see is a close-up on Greenwood's mouth as he is on the phone, the shot only shows his mouth and his chin, which emphasises


Narrative theory- Wasp In Wasp, the narrative theory that fits in with the short film the most is the 'Three-act structure'. The first act consists of an exposition, which is used to establish the main characters, their relationships and the world in which the film is set. In the case of Wasp, the film begins in media res  where we get introduced to Zoe and her children as she is having a fight with another woman. This shows the audience the kind of place she lives in and how her children are brought up in a low-income area in London. Later in the act, the protagonist is presented with an inciting incident, which is a problem that disrupts the equilibrium and leads into the second act, signaling the end of the first. In Wasp, this is when Zoe meets Dave and he invites her out for a drink, the problem she faces is that there would be no one to look after her children and therefore she will have to either decline his offer or take the children out with her.  The second a

Manipulative ways screenplay

Manipulative ways Screenplay by Taylor Williams [The scene starts with Emily walking through the front school doors listening to music with her earphones in. Her bag is placed on her forearm and when she walks in she makes an entrance.] Narrator The narcissistic teenager walked confidently through the school doors, the many years of back stabbing her ‘friends’ has left her in a comfortable but not secure position at the top. With her shitty attitude and her angry resting bitch face she was the epitome of the classic school bad girl. [Small break] Emily looks around confused, as she doesn’t know where the mysterious voice is coming from. Emily Who said that? Narrator Emily quickly scanned the room but no one appeared to be talking. Emily I swear guys this isn’t a joke, whoever is saying that you’re going to be sorry. [Everyone in the scene looks up at her, all with varied expressions] Narrator   Trust me honey with the many hollow threats

Ups and Downs

Ups and downs screenplay

Ups and downs Screenplay by Taylor Williams Lift doors open and on the inside is Amelia standing on the right looking around, holding her bag. Eli walks into the lift from behind the camera and awkwardly nods to Amelia and pushes the button for a few floors up. The lift doors close and they continue looking around silently as the lift goes up. The lift starts to make suspicious noises, it jolts, and the lights flicker until the lift comes to an abrupt stop. Eli What the hell was that? Amelia I don’t know but we need to stay calm, I think we may be stuck. Eli Fuck staying calm I’m late for a meeting. Eli then walks over to the door and kicks it with frustration. Amelia That’s obviously not going to help is it? Eli walks back to the place he was in before and looks around again looking stressed. Eli Just be quiet I need to think. Eli begins to pace around his side of the lift and starts to hyperventilate and panic. Eli  

Short film ideas

Ideas for short film: 2 people are stuck in a lift and they don't know each other but they work for the same company. They suddenly realize that they will be stuck in the lift for a long time and they get to know each other.  The Male knows that the female character is his mum that abandoned and he wants to know why she left him (he wants answers) He's mad at her but he doesn't let her know that They get along quite well and he starts to not be as mad He then reveals that she's the son she abandoned. (potentially just audio because the lights went out) Character 1: Female, short, business attire, Amelia Character 2: Male, tall, knows that the female is his mum that left him Eli

Pitch Black Heist

Starring Liam Cunningham (Liam) and Michael Fassbender (Michael) and they play professional safe crackers who meet on a job in order to take the contents of an office safe. The room which contains the safe has a light activated alarm system, which forces them to embark on a literal pitch black heist.  Camera- The initial shot is a crane shot that depicts the wall of the warehouse, then it pans down to show the boxes in the layout of the office to help them practice. Once the crane shot has stopped, the camera then pans over the boxes and focusses on the 4 boxes labeled 'safe' Mise en scene- Boxes to help them practice Sound- Music playing on opening scene Non-diegetic music playing Reoccurring song at the beginning, middle and end of film Representation- Only white, Irish men (small cast) Stereotype that Irish people like to drink