Ups and downs screenplay

Ups and downs

Screenplay by
Taylor Williams

Lift doors open and on the inside is Amelia standing on the right looking around, holding her bag. Eli walks into the lift from behind the camera and awkwardly nods to Amelia and pushes the button for a few floors up. The lift doors close and they continue looking around silently as the lift goes up.

The lift starts to make suspicious noises, it jolts, and the lights flicker until the lift comes to an abrupt stop.

What the hell was that?

I don’t know but we need to stay calm, I think we may be stuck.

Fuck staying calm I’m late for a meeting.

Eli then walks over to the door and kicks it with frustration.

That’s obviously not going to help is it?

Eli walks back to the place he was in before and looks around again looking stressed.
Just be quiet I need to think.

Eli begins to pace around his side of the lift and starts to hyperventilate and panic.
 (Panicked and pacing) We’re never going to get out of here are we? We’re stuck.

Eli then huffs in annoyance and slides down the elevator wall and sits down with his head in his hands.

Amelia kneels down beside him and touches his shoulder gently.

Calm down alright, we’re not stuck we’re going to get out of here. Okay?

Eli looks up at Amelia with a relieved look on his face.

Alright, I’m sorry for shouting at you I know you were just trying to help.

It’s alright I understand. This isn’t an ideal situation to be in.

Amelia then sits down next to Eli, crossing her legs and putting her bag on top of them.

So I’ve known you for all of 5 minutes and I don’t even know your name yet. You look like a Laurence or a Nathan.

(Laughs anxiously) Actually my name is Eli. You look like an Amelia or an Emily.

Amelia looks at him in amazement and extends her hand to go and shake his.
Wow that’s exactly right haha, how did you know that?

I don’t know you just look like an Amelia

Oh fair enough (laughs) and by the way that’s a really nice name; I knew someone called Eli in a past life.

Eli looks at her with an angry yet disheartened look on his face.

So Amelia, we’re probably going to die in here. Have any regrets?

(Chuckles nervously) Don’t say that we’ll be fine.

Seriously though, have any regrets?

Only one. I let someone go many years ago and there hasn’t been a day where I’ve not thought about them.

Amelia looks down at her lap as she tries to stop tears from falling from her eyes.

Have you ever thought about finding them? You know they may have appreciated knowing that someone wanted them.

Everyday but it’s… not one of those… you know… what I’m trying to say is that it’s complicated.

How is it complicated? If you loved them then you would do anything to find them again.

Amelia looks over at Eli with an annoyed expression on her face.

It’s not that I didn’t love them, the situation was hard.

Eli looks straight at Amelia, looking into her eyes and making her feel uncomfortable. Rage washes over him as he clenches his fists.
The lift lights flicker on as it starts to move again, the two look around.
If you loved them so much you wouldn’t have let them go.

Eli progressively gets more annoyed and angry at Amelia as the conversation continues.

It was a different time back then, I was young, I had no choice.

Eli punches the side of the lift in frustration; he stands up and turns his back to her.
The lift door opens and Eli looks forward towards the door.

(Shouting in annoyance) Of course you had a choice, and you chose to let them go. How do you think that was supposed to make me feel?

Eli walks out of the lift leaving Amelia behind, Amelia looks confused at what Eli just said.


The lift door closes and the screen fades to black.



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