Manipulative ways screenplay

Manipulative ways

Screenplay by

Taylor Williams

[The scene starts with Emily walking through the front school doors listening to music with her earphones in. Her bag is placed on her forearm and when she walks in she makes an entrance.]

The narcissistic teenager walked confidently through the school doors, the many years of back stabbing her ‘friends’ has left her in a comfortable but not secure position at the top. With her shitty attitude and her angry resting bitch face she was the epitome of the classic school bad girl. [Small break] Emily looks around confused, as she doesn’t know where the mysterious voice is coming from.

Who said that?

Emily quickly scanned the room but no one appeared to be talking.

I swear guys this isn’t a joke, whoever is saying that you’re going to be sorry.

[Everyone in the scene looks up at her, all with varied expressions]

 Trust me honey with the many hollow threats you’ve made over the years I’m really not scared of you.

 Can anyone else hear this or is it just me?

No one answers her. Emily huffs in annoyance then goes to sit with her ‘good’ friend of 3 years.

So did you like my insta post last night?

Lela continues to look at her phone ignoring Emily.

Yeah it looked great

She lied, in fact when she is bothered to like her posts she dislikes them 20 minutes later just so that the notification pops up that she did.

Is that true?

What? No of course not

Yes it was, that’s what everyone does but she never notices that because she buys followers off shady websites so that she can keep her reputation intact.

OMG I can’t believe you don’t like my posts that’s so rude.

 I hope you realise that no one cares and did no one realise that they just said that she buys followers?

 And who are you?

Obviously no one important to you.

 She was someone, someone quite important for she was the one who had been posting hateful comments on her posts under the pseudonym “disablechicken69” for over a year and a half now.

That’s you? You’re such a bitch.

 *stutters* Uh no…

 You’re such a liar and a freak, why would you do that I’m going to kill you.

Just as she said that her boyfriend of 2 months walked through the door with his backpack lazily slung over his shoulder, looking like he wants to die. Emily runs over and hangs off his shoulder in a playful but annoying manner.

Hey babe.

*huffs* Oh hey.

For him the relationship was arduous and painful and every moment he spent with her he wished he were literally anywhere else, with anyone else.

Is that true?

No of course not don’t be silly babe.

He was lying, he’s been trying to break it off with her from the start. He never wanted to be with her in the first place he just wanted to get closer Lela.

You’re such a whore.

Emily angrily stomps over to Lela and stands over her trying, but failing to intimidate her.
Why would you do this to me, you know what me and Alfie have is real and you’re supposed to be my friend.

{Just as she says that Alfie goes over and stands in between them}

Come on girls calm down, how do we even know that the voice is telling the truth?

Lela completely disregards what he says and goes back to arguing with Emily.

Friend? You don’t know the meaning of the word. How do you think I felt when you stopped me from being who I wanted to be with?

[Camera quickly goes to the Ruby implying that the Lela and her had a connection and wanted to be together, but now the connection is lost.]

Just because we’ve known each other for ages doesn’t mean that I wanted to be your friend.

So what are you trying to say?

Ominous music plays in the background and everyone looks around confused. A wave of tension flowed through the room as the Emily started to realise the negative opinions everyone has of her.

Be quiet you, you’ve already caused enough damage.

Hey, it’s not my fault you force yourself on to people.

How do you even know? Who even are you?

[Lela disrupts the argument going on between the narrator and Emily.]

Look that’s enough from the both of you. What I’m trying to say is that I was your friend but then as soon as you got popular you started to forget who you’re real friends are and you pushed me away and only remembered who I was when you needed something. You use people for your own gain and when you don’t need them anymore you drop them like they meant nothing to you. You’re a manipulator and an impulsive liar and you’ll say anything to get what you want.

That’s not true at all I’ve always been there for you.

See look you’re doing it again, lying to cover your back and I’m sick of it, we all are.

[Everyone nods in agreement.]
And just like that she had fallen off the papier-mâché pedestal she ever so haphazardly placed herself upon.

(Bitterly) Look guys I’m sorry I hurt you. All of you and I’m willing to change for the better.

I’m sure we all appreciate your willingness to try, but the damage you’ve caused is far too much for just a few apologies to fix, we’re sorry.

Just as she says that the friend grabs Alfie’s hand he squeezes it tight and then they walk away off camera.

Well, you really screwed up this time didn’t you?

Oh shut up. I hope you’ve realized what you’ve done.

What I’ve done? You didn’t see me lie to all of those people did you?

Ugh whatever…


 Emily walks off with an attitude, showing she wasn’t really willing to change, she just said that to win her friends over again and that ladies and gentlemen is why popularity is a fragile construct that always ends up with someone getting hurt, just take mean girls for an example, obviously this tale isn’t like mean girls because we do not have the Hollywood funding but that’s beside the point, the Emily will remain stuck in her manipulative ways and mean girls is a great movie.


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