Pitch Black Heist

Starring Liam Cunningham (Liam) and Michael Fassbender (Michael) and they play professional safe crackers who meet on a job in order to take the contents of an office safe. The room which contains the safe has a light activated alarm system, which forces them to embark on a literal pitch black heist. 


  • The initial shot is a crane shot that depicts the wall of the warehouse, then it pans down to show the boxes in the layout of the office to help them practice.
  • Once the crane shot has stopped, the camera then pans over the boxes and focusses on the 4 boxes labeled 'safe'

Mise en scene-

  • Boxes to help them practice


  • Music playing on opening scene
  • Non-diegetic music playing
  • Reoccurring song at the beginning, middle and end of film


  • Only white, Irish men (small cast)
  • Stereotype that Irish people like to drink


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