
Showing posts from September, 2018

Manipulative ways screenplay

Manipulative ways Screenplay by Taylor Williams [The scene starts with Emily walking through the front school doors listening to music with her earphones in. Her bag is placed on her forearm and when she walks in she makes an entrance.] Narrator The narcissistic teenager walked confidently through the school doors, the many years of back stabbing her ‘friends’ has left her in a comfortable but not secure position at the top. With her shitty attitude and her angry resting bitch face she was the epitome of the classic school bad girl. [Small break] Emily looks around confused, as she doesn’t know where the mysterious voice is coming from. Emily Who said that? Narrator Emily quickly scanned the room but no one appeared to be talking. Emily I swear guys this isn’t a joke, whoever is saying that you’re going to be sorry. [Everyone in the scene looks up at her, all with varied expressions] Narrator   Trust me honey with the many hollow threats