
Showing posts from October, 2017

The therapist's office


Narrative Theory

Narrative Theory in Titanic There are 3 main theories that are used to create a good script for a film, these are: Todorov's cyclical Theory of Equilibrium, Levi-Strauss' Theory which is based on binary opposites and Vladmir Propp's 7 archetypes of film. Todorov's cyclical Theory of Equilibrium was created in 1969 and he believed that it could be applied to any film as he believed that they all followed the same narrative pattern. They all go through stages called, equilibrium, disequilibrium, acknowledgement, resolving the problem, and equilibrium again. In the case of the film Titanic this would be applied when Leonardo DiCaprio's character Jack wins a place on the luxurious vessel by winning a poker game. During his stay aboard the titanic he comes to meet Rose (Kate Winslet). Rose is unhappily engaged to a man called Cal when she considers suicide by jumping from the stern of the ship when Jack intervenes and stops her. They go through a state of equilibr