
Showing posts from September, 2017

What I learnt in my first Film Studies lesson

My first lesson For our first Film Studies lesson, my class was essentially thrown into the deep end when it came to the introduction to film making as we had to write a 30 second script then film it with little prompt or direction. In many ways this was a good thing to start with as this allowed us to use our creative flair to make something interesting, or in my case I struggled to get any ideas and resorted to Googling terrible joke and trying to find one that didn't want to make me die from cringing and use it as my punchline to try and build a script around that. During the lesson we learnt 2 key things that helped us to make our terribly improvised scripts look somewhat decent from the viewer's perspective, these were: The 180-degree rule and Match on action. 180-degree rule: File:180_degree_rule.svg In film making, the 180-degree rule is a basic guideline that is used in conversations between a character and another character or object within a scene. This is u